HOLYHUNT (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
200 Holy HuntedKill 200 Enemies.100
50 Holy HuntedKill fifty Enemies.100
ArmedBuy the first ammo upgrade.100
ArsenalBuy all bullets.50
BlessedBuy the first pray upgrade.100
C-C-Combo BreakerHit 20 combo.100
Cardiovascular ExerciseBuy the first health upgrade.50
Don't Skip Leg DayBuy the last movement upgrade.50
Green KnightReach Pestilence Boss.200
Holy HuntingKill one Enemy.50
Holy MistakeDie for the first time.25
Holy PerseveranceDie three times.100
Holy... PUNCH!Perform a Holy Punch.25
I Shot FirstBuy the first reload upgrade.100
Just Like JobBuy the last pray upgrade.50
Like A BlurBuy the first dash upgrade.100
PreparedBuy the last ammo upgrade.50
Red KnightReach War Boss.200
RunningBuy the first movement upgrade.100
Skip Leg DayBuy the last life upgrade.50
The Approaching StormBuy the last dash upgrade.50
The Fastest Trigger In The WestBuy the last reload upgrade.50
White KnightReach Conquest Boss.200