Holy Gosh Darn, The (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
...of AgilitySkydive to all locations without hitting any dogs.10
...of AnimosityInsult 10 Elders.30
...of AudacityInsult 10 Elders in the same timeline.30
...of BreweryGive Elder 7 every type of coffee possible.30
...of CelebrityListen to yourself on the radio.20
...of ConnectivetyOpen a network of portals between every realm.10
...of CourtesyDon't be rude.50
...of CraftabilityLearn how to combine items.50
...of DiscontinuityMake Gerardiel shut up.10
...of EfficiencyFinish the game by rewinding thirty times or less.50
...of Fully UpgradabilityGet all watch upgrades.50
...of GenerousityGive Satan a gift.30
...of HeroitySave heaven.50
...of HolinessMeet every Holy Spirit.30
...of HostilityInsult All Elders.50
...of HumanityVisit Earth.10
...of HumilityListen patiently.50
...of InquiryRead every book.20
...of MelodyListen to every song.20
...of MockeryInsult one Elder.10
...of ModularityInstall the wardrobe module.10
...of MortalityDie in five different ways.50
...of MythologyVisit Helheim.10
...of OmnisciencyFreak out Puriel.10
...of ParadoxicalityGive Brokk a nosebleed.10
...of PhilantrophyHelp Mike Cobbles.10
...of PurgatoryVisit Hell.10
...of RudityBe rude.50
...of SalaryPay for services rendered.50
...of SensibilityWatch every divine memory.20
...of SentimentalityInstall the Holy Site Sentimenterer.10
...of SnackeryHave a cookie.10
...of TheoryLearn everything.30
...of UpgradabilityGet a watch upgrade.10
...of VanityFill out your wardrobe.50
...of VerbosityCall everyone.30
...of WackamoleityGet a perfect score in Whack-an-angel.20