Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Final Lament | Win a game as Lament (normal or harder) | 15
Adventurer | Encounter 95% of all adventure buildings. | 20
All Grown Up | Bloodwarp a Hatchling into a Seraph. | 35
Ancient Power | Have three artifacts in a set. | 10
Any% PB | Win a game in less than 30 minutes. | 10
Architect | Fully develop a town. | 15
Archmage | Learn an adventure map spell at an Archmage Tribunal. | 15
Back in Order | Win a game as Order (normal or harder) | 15
Bestiary | Encounter 95% of all rare creatures. | 20
Challenge Accepted | Win a Challenging difficulty game. | 10
Challenge Complete | Win a Hardcore difficulty game. | 15
Champion | Win a 5+ player game. | 10
Chicken Dinner | Win a 7-player game. | 15
Collector | Encounter 95% of all artifacts. | 20
Completionist | Achieve 95% of all achievements. | 50
Culture Conversion | Convert a town to a faction you did not start as. | 20
Death's Door | Win a game as Decay (normal or harder) | 15
Desperado | Defeat a near impossible enemy army. | 10
Dragonbane | Defeat the red dragon in Skirmish mode. | 10
Dragonspeaker | Acquire a dragon via Diplomacy. | 20
Earthen Arise | Win a game as Earthen (normal or harder) | 15
Embrace Death | Use a Forlorn Cloister with your highest leveled hero. | 20
Emperor | Have a hero reach level 30. | 15
Exclave | Win a game as Enclave (normal or harder) | 15
First Win | Win an Easy difficulty game. | 10
Flawless | Win a battle without taking casualties. | 15
Fully Loaded | Have a hero with an artifact in all equipment slots. | 10
God | Achieve rank 5 in a hero skill. | 15
Going Wild | Win a game as Wild (normal or harder) | 15
Greed is Good | Acquire a treasure elemental. | 10
Hell on Earth | Win a game as Pyre (normal or harder) | 15
Hero's Hour | Win a Normal difficulty game. | 10
Hordes of Hell | Recruit 666 Pyre units in one game. | 15
I can do this alone! | Win a game without hiring a hero. | 10
Idolatry | Create an Idol. | 15
Insatiable | Devour a Black Dragon. | 20
Killing the Beast | Defeat the black dragons in Skirmish mode. | 10
King | Have a hero reach level 20. | 10
Liberation | Win a game as Horde (normal or harder) | 15
Literacy | Enter combat with a hero that uses the most overpowered Rune. | 20
Magic over Might | Win a game as Arcane (normal or harder) | 15
Magicphobia | Win a game without casting magic. | 15
Magus of Magi | Encounter 95% of all spells. | 20
Man Made God | Have a hero with a sum of attack, defence, knowledge and spellpower above 100. | 25
No Fear | Defeat the ghost larvae in Skirmish mode. | 10
No time to waste | Win a game before week 3. | 10
Nudist Run | Win a game without any artifacts. | 15
Patience | Win a game on the Patience map in less than 24 real-time hours. | 15
Pillar Reformed | Win a game as Pillar (normal or harder) | 15
Power of Elementals | Defeat a challenging enemy in battle using only elementals. | 15
Puzzle Master | Win a game on Hardcore+ and with hamlet starting conditions. | 20
Reviving Legend | Complete a full artifact set. | 10
Rising Tides | Win a game as Tide (normal or harder) | 15
Scrooge | Have 100000 gold. | 15
Scrying | Find an obelisk treasure with just one clue. | 20
Shadowpower | Cast Shadowcasting while your hero has 50 or more spellpower. | 40
Showdown | Enter combat against an enemy player with at least 2000 power worth of army. | 25
Speedrunner | Win a game in less than 15 minutes. | 10
Theresa | Save 500 creatures using infirmaries and hospitals in a single game. | 20
True Evil | Put 200 power worth of units to work at a Slave Pens. | 20
Wilderness | Control 10 overgrown mines. | 20