Achievement | How to unlock | Points
10 Hen chicks | Saved 10 baby chickens! Great job! | 50
20 Hen chicks | You found 20 baby chickens. Awesome! | 75
40 Hen chicks | 40 baby chickens are now safe! Well done! | 75
5 Hen chicks | Rescued 5 baby chickens! Keep going! | 50
80 Hen chicks | 80 baby chickens rescued! Incredible! | 75
Autumn | Island 16. Well done! | 48
Brown egg | You found a brown egg for your collection! | 50
Cat in the water | You threw the cat in the water. Splash! | 50
Crushed | A baby chicken was crushed by a pig. Oh no! | 78
Everybody together! | You found every hen chick! Amazing! | 100
Fight like cat and dog | You saw the rivalry between cats and chickens. | 75
Golden egg | Golden egg collected! A rare find! | 50
Hen in the water | You threw the chicken in the water. Poor thing! | 49
In trouble | A cat captured a baby chicken. Watch out! | 75
White egg | You collected a white egg. Nice start! | 50
Winter | Island 31. Great work! | 50