
Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
10 Hen chicksSaved 10 baby chickens! Great job!50
20 Hen chicksYou found 20 baby chickens. Awesome!75
40 Hen chicks40 baby chickens are now safe! Well done!75
5 Hen chicksRescued 5 baby chickens! Keep going!50
80 Hen chicks80 baby chickens rescued! Incredible!75
AutumnIsland 16. Well done!48
Brown eggYou found a brown egg for your collection!50
Cat in the waterYou threw the cat in the water. Splash!50
CrushedA baby chicken was crushed by a pig. Oh no!78
Everybody together!You found every hen chick! Amazing!100
Fight like cat and dogYou saw the rivalry between cats and chickens.75
Golden eggGolden egg collected! A rare find!50
Hen in the waterYou threw the chicken in the water. Poor thing!49
In troubleA cat captured a baby chicken. Watch out!75
White eggYou collected a white egg. Nice start!50
WinterIsland 31. Great work!50