Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All in the Family | Release some prisoners and find a treasure. | 10
Bookrot | Solve the curious book's code. | 10
Bucketful | Restored the fountain. | 10
But where's the Phylactery? | Defeat the Arch-Lich on any difficulty. | 25
Cake and Dispute | Solve a dispute over a room. | 10
Castle Hammerwatch | Survived Castle Hammerwatch on Serious difficulty. | 100
Chill Out | Defeat Krilith the Frost Sorcerer on any difficulty. | 25
Contributor | Upgrade a shop to maximum in the Sun Temple campaign. | 10
Despair and Deception | Avenge a fallen magician. | 25
Die Monster! | Defeat the Vampire Count on any difficulty. | 25
Dropped my Gauntlet | Find a bonus level in Castle Hammerwatch. | 10
Duke Test'em | Find the real resting place of the duke. | 10
Feeling Old Yet? | Complete all the bonus levels in Castle Hammerwatch. | 20
I Warden You About It | Defeat the Warden on any difficulty. | 25
Imagine Dragon | Defeat Worldfire the Red Dragon on any difficulty. | 35
It All Came Down | Escaped the destruction of Shaftlocke Tower. | 50
It's All Fun and Games | Defeat the Watcher on any difficulty. | 25
Just a Flesh Wound | Defeat the Fallen Knight on any difficulty. | 25
Leverage | Return to the lever to its rightful place to drain the waters. | 10
Liftboy | Fixed all the elevators in the tower. | 15
Master Builder | Upgrade all the shops to maximum in the Shaftlocke Tower campaign. | 30
Not Graboids | Defeat the Desert Sharks on any difficulty. | 10
One Man's Scraps | Escaped the destruction of Castle Hammerwatch. | 50
Pangastronomy | Return the frying pan to its owner. | 10
Pick your Brain | Return the pickaxe to the miner to clear the rocks. | 10
Push It | Help out a miner with a big rock. | 10
Pyramid of Fear | Enter and exit the Pyramid of Fear. | 10
Regicide | Defeat the Maggot Queen on any difficulty. | 10
Rock but not Roll | Defeat the Stone Golem on any difficulty. | 10
Shaftlocke Tower | Survived Shaftlocke Tower on Serious difficulty. | 100
Shroom! There she was | Rescued the apothecary in the mines. | 10
Sun Temple | Survived the Sun Temple on Serious difficulty. | 100
Suspicious Tunnels | Find a dangerous but lucrative cave in the Mines. | 10
This Dog is on FIYAH | Defeat Sha'rand the Sun Guardian on any difficulty. | 50
Three is a Crowd | Defeat the Wraith Councilors on any difficulty. | 25
What does this do? | Find a plank. | 10
Winter Gone and Done | Defeat Thundersnow the Blue Dragon on any difficulty. | 35
With These Friends... | Overcome four challenges and find a powerful book. | 25
Would you like some ore? | Got the ore from the miner. | 10