GRIME (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
All-SeeingActivated all beacons.30
ArtisanDefeated the Artisan of Flesh.30
AssimilationAcquired all traits.30
BloodhunterFound all hunt points.30
BreathsmithFully upgraded a weapon.15
BreathReached max breath capacity.30
CelebrationWitnessed the Final Performance.40
DevourerAbsorbed hundred prey.10
DreamCommuned with the Child.25
FeastDefeated Vulture.40
GenerousAccepted all of the Coda's gifts.20
GlareDefeated the Giant of Eyes.15
HarmlessDefeated the Harmless Rockgiant.30
HostDefeated the Surrogate Vulture.15
Hunt DownDefeated Misbegotten Amalgam.40
HushDefeated the Grieving Rockgiant.30
ImprintActivated a Surrogate.5
InevitableDefeated Shidra.40
InstrumentsAcquired all weapons.30
JawcrabDefeated the Jawcrab.30
JawstagDefeated the Jawstag.30
KinshipFinished the game.60
KinCommuned with Kin.10
PassageUnlocked all Nervepasses.15
PredatorDiscovered all prey.15
ProportionsCompleted Yon's story arc.10
RavenousReached hundred Ardor.10
ScionDefeated the Flower Heart.15
ShapelyDefeated Fidus.40
Sharpened VesselReached level 30.10
Silenced WhispersDefeated the Whispering Mothers.40
SkinmakerAcquired all outfits.30
Spiral HeartGot all achievements.100
TasteCompleted a trait.5
The HuntGained a hunt point.5
Unwrap the GiftUnlocked the Barrier.10
WatcherDefeated the Desert Watcher.30
WeaknessGot the vessel ending.60
WeeperDefeated Amalgam.40
YankPulled an enemy.10
ZygoteObtained all Fetal Pearls.10