Godfall (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Archon of WarPerform hundred Takedowns.15
Armor of the GodsPick up thirty Valorplate Cores from Fallen Soldiers.15
AscendantReach trial twenty in the Ascended Tower of Trials.100
AssassinPerform fourty Deathblows.30
AwakeningPick up a legendary piece of equipment.15
BerserkerPerform a Greatsword Weapon Technique hundred times.15
Child of the EarthPoison an enemy hundred times.15
Cursed CollectorPick up ten Cursed Items.10
DefenderParry hundred attacks.30
DeflectorParry thirty projectiles.30
DervishActivate Inner Focus hundred times.15
Disciple of AlazIgnite an enemy hundred times.15
DragoonPerform a Polearm Weapon Technique hundred times.15
EarthshakerPerform a Warhammer Weapon Technique hundred times.15
EgalitarianDefeat 75 Elite Enemies.30
End the Deep OnesDefeat 200 Abyssian.15
Flameblood AbominationDefeat Flameblood Abomination.10
Frost BrandChill an enemy hundred times.15
GathererCollect from fifty Motherlodes.15
Geared UpPick up five legendary pieces of equipment.15
Gilden KnightDefeat Gilden Knight.15
Gold, Silver, and...Pick up 100,000 electrum.15
Great DeedsComplete your first legendary Quest Objective.5
Great VictoriesComplete your tenth legendary Quest Objective.10
Grieves SunsteelDefeat Grieves Sunsteel.15
Guardian KuriakosDefeat Guardian Kuriakos.10
HeartbreakerComplete Lightbringer one time.5
High Lord MakantorDefeat High Lord Makantor.10
HunterDefeat fourty Mid-Bosses.30
Indiscriminate LooterPick up fifty Cursed Items.15
KeymakerEarn 200 Keys in Tower of Trials.15
Kosmera's EmbraceCurse an enemy hundred times.15
Kragani the UnstableDefeat Kragani the Unstable.20
LightbringerComplete Lightbringer ten times.15
LunaraDefeat Lunara.10
MacrosDefeat Macros.100
Master of ElementsInflict an Ailment 300 times.15
MoiraxDefeat Moirax.20
Need that LightOpen 200 Light chests.10
Pierce the HeavensDefeat 200 Nyak.15
Punish the TraitorsDefeat 200 Blacktide.15
RaiderOpen fifty chests.15
Rise UpReach trial ten in the Ascended Tower of Trials.55
S-Rank DuelistHit 200 enemy Weakpoints.30
Salt the EarthDefeat 200 Vargul.15
ScavengerPick up 250 pieces of equipment.15
Shatter the BastionsDefeat 200 Crimson Wind.15
Shield CaptainHit an enemy with Shield Throw 200 times.15
SlayerDefeat 2000 enemies.30
Small StepsComplete your first Quest Objective.5
Smother the FlameDefeat 200 Flameblood.5
SolarisDefeat Solaris.15
Soul ReaperSoulshatter an enemy 500 times.30
StormbringerShock an enemy hundred times.15
Struggle against the DarknessComplete Lightbringer with three curses applied.20
Sword SaintPerform a Longsword Weapon Technique hundred times.15
The Razor's EdgeBleed an enemy hundred times.15
The Road to GreatnessComplete your first Quest.5
Ultimate WarriorActivate Archon Fury fourty times.15
Valorian ChampionComplete your tenth Quest.15
Valorian HeroComplete your fifth Quest.10
Versatile WarriorPerform a Polarity Shockwave hundred times.15
ZamoraDefeat Zamora.15