Get To Work (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Real QuitterGive up for longer than one minute.100
Double DunceFall down the hole... again.10
DunceFall down the hole.10
Get To WorkBeat the game.100
Grindset Mindset 1Listen to 5 of the podcasts.10
Grindset Mindset 2Listen to 10 of the podcasts.40
Grindset Mindset 3Listen to all of the podcasts.100
Participation TrophyGet out of bed.10
Please, Get Back to WorkTry to fall down the hole a third time.10
QuitterHit the give up button.100
Speedrunner 1Beat the game in under two hours.100
Speedrunner 2Beat the game in under an hour.100
Speedrunner 3Beat the game in under 45 min.100
The Richest Man On EarthFind the secret ending.100
The Strongest Handshake in the WorldRecover from the interview.10
Wait, Seriously???Beat the game in under 30 min.100