Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Adrenaline lover | You completed a mission without collecting a shield orb. | 90
Alchemist pilot | You got your ship to its maximum fire power level and transformed a shot orb into an energy one. | 30
Celebrity | You got into the original highscore table. | 30
Firebreathing | You got your ship to its maximum missile capacity and collected a missile orb. | 30
Gyxuss 84 commander | You completed the first mission with the Gyxuss 82. | 90
Intergalactic hero | You destroyed the final boss in its hive. | 90
Keeping up the flow | You achieved four perfect waves in a row. | 30
King of the asteroids | You completed the second mission. | 90
Legendary pilot | You completed a mission with a Rank B or higher. | 90
Lexus 69 commander | You completed the first mission with the Lexus 69. | 90
Loser PRO | You lost all your lives before the third wave. | 30
Perfectionist | You achieved your first perfect wave. | 30
Sniper | You completed a mission with an accuracy of 50% or better. | 90
The show must go on | You contimued the game after losing all your lives. | 30
To the last breath | You continued until you exhausted all your credits. | 30
Untouchable | You completed the first mission without losing a single life. | 90
Vulxen 77 commander | You completed the first mission with the Vulxen 77. | 40