Frightence (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Aisle BlockerAlbert's diet prescription reads like poetry...100
Funeral HomeThose who remains will bury you in their bathroom!100
Good Morning SunshineWhen you wake up in strange places...100
Good Old TimesMrs. Moore... looked better naturally back then...100
Landlord for KidsHe will kill me mommy!100
Meow MeowBlack cat in a sinister corridor is your dream date night...100
Murderess FatherGet me out of here, please...100
Room 128Nobody likes a snitch!100
Scared JanitorWhy this fella walking so slow? Is he scared?100
Toy's LandPick up your toys... and repair your dreams...100