Forgotten City, The (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
ArchaeologistDiscover what lies beneath the city.30
Avid ReaderRead 10 different grafitti.15
CounsellorSave Ulpius's life.15
FibberLie 10 times.15
Golden ArcherGild your first thing.15
Grave RobberSteal 2000 coins after the Golden Rule is broken.30
HerculeanConfront the creator of The Golden Rule.90
Law Abiding CitizenFinish the game without looping through time once.15
LiberatorHave Duli released from his cell.30
Lion TamerSolve Vergil's problem.15
LooperLoop through time once.15
Match-makerHelp Galerius romance Equitia.15
MaverickSkip Galerius's Tour.15
MedicSave Iulia's life.15
MinimalistReach the best ending with the smallest number of loops.15
Silver TongueTalk your way through every possible confrontation.30
SleuthFind all three missing persons.30
Smooth TalkerGet rejected by Aurelia.15
StrikerTopple 10 peeled statues by kicking others into them.15
Super LooperLoop through time ten times.15
SurvivorSurvive the Palace.15
The Canon EndingReach Ending 4 of 4.90
The Many Shall SufferReach Ending 1 of 4.15
The One That Got AwayReach Ending 2 of 4.30
The Ones That Got AwayReach Ending 3 of 4.30
TouristUse Photo Mode.30
Treasure HunterFind treasure using the golden bow.15
TricksterSave Fabia's life.15
UnhygenicPick up the sponge on a stick.10