Flat Kingdom Paper's Cut Edition (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Long Way To GoActivate the first Checkpoint Guard.80
Complicated FoesDefeat an enemy with two or more shapes.80
Don't be a squareBeat a square enemy.90
Eight Legged FreaksDefeat Arachne.80
Fear My SharpnessBeat a circle enemy.90
Flat SmashBeat a triangle enemy.90
Learning The RopesGet your first special ability.80
Rookie HeroFinish your first side quest.80
Salad To GoDefeat Plantosaurus.80
ShapeshifterChange your shape ten times.80
Shaping upUse your three forms to fight.90
Too Bad!Get one Game Over.80