Farmer's Life (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A real manBuild a garage, plant a tree, get married.20
Albino Boar HunterShoot the white boar and make a trophy out of it.20
Albino Deer HunterShoot the white deer and make a trophy out of it.20
Albino Fox HunterShoot the white fox and make a trophy out of it.20
All I need is more coffeeDo not sleep for at least 24 hours.20
Almost House BuilderBuild a shed with four workstations.20
And there was lightTurn on an electrical lamp on your farm for the first time.20
Apples! Apples everywhere!Collect 150 apples in one year.20
Bears' best friendLoot the chest in the abandoned church without killing the bear living nearby.20
Black thursdaySell so much of any product that the market has had enough of it.20
Bull whispererWin the race against Anthony without maximizing the doping of your bull.20
Can't touch thisWin a fight with any resident of Zalesie without taking any damage.20
Church RaiderHidden.20
CroesusBuy an engagement ring from the village head.20
Eagle eyeKill the animal from a distance greater than 50 m.20
Errand boyComplete ten tasks for the residents of Zalesie.20
Fashion showFive animals, each adorned with a hat.20
Feathery seaBecome the owner of fifty hens or roosters.20
Field's size mattersBuy a farming machine.20
First harvestHarvest the first crops from your own plantation.20
For the old godsDrive Kasimir into a frenzy while chopping wood.20
Forgive me father for I have sinnedPay for the mass with Priest Matthew.20
Great ExpansionUpgrade the first plot.20
HandymanBring your old tractor back to a usable state.20
Hey hay!Gather your first hay from the drying rack.20
I see dead people...Open the chest to which the ghost of a soldier leads.20
It was this big!Catch a catfish, burbot or pike.20
It's... perfect!Cook a perfect broth.20
JokerDouse three people with manure from a bucket in one day.20
Keep rollin'Craft five cigarettes in a row without a failure.20
Midas? I've never heard of him...Collect 100,000 money.20
Milky WayMilk a cow.20
My preciousFish out the engagement ring or wedding band from the lake.20
Naval warfareObtain thirty fish with the help of underwater detonations.20
New lifeBring an animal into the world.20
No country for sober menProduce twenty bottles of any alcohol within one day.20
Not so toughDefeat the bear with an axe.20
Postwar archeologistBreak into the bunker.20
Project ManhattanBlow up the old building with a bomb.20
Rodeo!Stay on the Fluffy for over twenty seconds while drunk.20
SaintEstablish the best possible relationships with at least five residents of Zalesie.20
Skillful handsDisarm the anti-infantry mine.20
Sticky handsSteal five items in one day without getting caught.20
That's power, sonGet the best tractor in all of Zalesie.20
The young man and the riverCatch a fish using a boat.20
To Kill MockingbirdShoot the crow.20
Vive la révolutionChop off the chicken's head using a chopping block (and an axe)20
Where the past meets the presentDiscover the whole story of Kasimir.20
Witch huntWin a fistfight with Tekla.20
Zalesie explorerDiscover all the points on the map.20