ESCAPE SITE 13 (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
An EndingContain the Leech.30
CompletionistCollect All Abnormality Documents and the Apocalypse.90
Dive DeeperComplete the Red King Story.90
Endless RoadFirst Use of Rewind.30
Enjoy the ShowWatch All Three Recordings.90
Face YourselfPerform with Barber.30
FutilityAscension Ending.90
Illusion of ControlCollect All Death Performances from the Three Containment Units.90
InterlockedWitness the Spatial Distortion Death Performance and Spatial Compression Death Performance.90
Journey's EndReach the Server.30
Loony BinBarber's Debut.15
Path FinderClear the Twisted Maze.15
Rogue SpiritResist Barber's Temptation to Clear the Little Robot and Future Bridge.90
The WastelandsObtain All Seven Specter Runes.90
ThinkerFirst Use of Deduction.15
UnmakingEquip the Yin-Yang Bisection Instrument.15
UsurpationRed Crown Ending.100