Ellphaser (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Block DestroyerDestroy a directional block.90
Breaking Bad BlocksDestroy five directional blocks.50
Electricity KillsDie ten times by electric orbs.20
Finally Did It!Complete a level after dying ten times.30
Halfway PathComplete level 20.90
Hopping With GraceComplete level 15.40
Humble EllephantComplete the second level without collecting crystals.50
I'm Dead, But I'm OkDie ten times.20
Living Without LuxuryComplete five levels without collecting crystals.50
Money MakerCollect ten crystals in total.20
My PreciousCollect twenty crystals in total.50
No FearComplete five levels without using a checkpoint.90
No Need To Look BackComplete a level without using a checkpoint.20
Open The Door!Open the lock for the first time.50
Spike HurtsDie ten times by a spike.30
Stuck In The WallDie ten times locked in the blocks.50
The First StompComplete the first level.20
The Key MasterOpen the lock five times.90
Trampoline JumpJump twenty times in a trampoline.50
Try AgainUse restart fifteen times.20
Try Hard ElephantComplete a level after restarting ten times.20
Turn AroundChange direction of the moveable block five times in a single level.50