Eightfold Path, The (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Little Help From a FriendEarn the crows' trust.10
Ancient DialectPlay the game's intro in Hindi.20
Bunny CharmerLet a bunny follow you.10
Calm DownOvercome fear by meditating.20
Dive DeepDive into deep waters.10
Enter The Eightfold PathComplete the first step of The Eightfold Path.10
Experienced MeditatorMeditate for a total of more than thirty minutes.30
Experienced SwimmerComplete the Absorption step without drowning.30
Extensive MeditationMeditate for more than three minutes.30
Family GatheringBring all three bunnies to their mom at the same time.30
From Defilements CleansedVanish all Bhootas.50
From Fear LiberatedVanish all Onis.50
Fruits of Hard WorkMake the big fruit fall down.10
Group MeditationMeditate with the monkeys.30
Last WordsMeet the Buddha.150
Little DropsHelp the fish by filling the pond with water.10
Lotus FlowerOpen a lotus flower.30
Meditate With the DeadMeditate next to the dead monk.20
Mind ClarityComplete the last Mindfulness step in five moves or less.30
Mindful MeditationMeditate next to a crystal.10
NirvanaComplete the game.100
No FearGet across the fire and put it out.10
Path to WisdomRead all texts.60
Perfect HearingComplete the last bell puzzle without help.30
PyromaniacBurn all dry trunks.30
Remember the BeginningMeditate in the initial cave after completing the eight steps.30
Resoluted EffortComplete the sphere puzzles without meditating.30
The Eighfold PathComplete the eight steps of The Eightfold Path.80
The Four ThoughtsFind The Four Thoughts that Transform the Mind.40