Dwerve (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Heroic WarsmithBeat the game on Challenge Mode.100
Hold Your GroundBeat any level without dashing.70
ImmortalBeat the entire game without dying.110
It's a TrapBeat any level using only traps.70
Legendary WarsmithBeat the game on Extreme Mode.100
MachinistMax out a turret's upgrades.70
Show OffBeat any level by building just one turret at a time.70
SkaldInteract with every inspect trigger in the game.70
SpecialistBeat any level building only one type of turret.70
Treasure HunterOpen all chests in the entire game.100
UnkillableBeat any level without dying.70
UntouchableBeat any level without getting hit.100