Ctrl Alt Ego (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Assembler AvoiderI reached the Merging Station without assembling a new Bug.22
AssemblerI assembled a new Bug.22
Chicken.EXEI left The Executor in charge at Conscious Robot Services.22
ChickenI found a way to skip the Parasite.22
Clean SweepI collected all Ego, Worms, Disks and MEM at a single location.22
Conscious robots are people tooI completed the entire campaign without breaking a single conscious robot.22
ConspiracyI published the incriminating evidence.22
DEBUG = 0I stopped the debugger.22
DEVI installed DEV.22
Disk FullI fully WORMed a single Bug program.22
EXEI defeated The Executor.22
EgonomicalI collected all friendly Ego at a single location.22
Entirely Pure VirtualCompleted the campaign on moderate+ difficulty without detection or damaging conscious robots.24
ExecutorI left no active hostiles behind during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Pro.22
Faster than MindThunkI stopped the debugger faster than the developer of this game. Time to beat is three minutes flat.22
Ghost.EXEI defeated The Executor by running a kill script from his PC without him ever knowing I was there.22
Gone but not forgottenI paid my respects.22
I found a bugI ctrl'd a Bug.22
I, MUMI ctrl'd that there MUM in Legacy Systems.22
I, ParasiteI ctrl'd the Parasite.22
Inner CircleI unlocked access to the Inner Circle.22
LAN? What LAN?I made it through the Legacy Systems firewall without signing in to the LAN.22
LoyalI brought Bug 0 with me to confront the Parasite.22
MergedI merged back into the Bug Free Zone.22
No BreakpointsI completed the entire campaign without Bug 22 ever being broken.22
On a missionI completed three missions outside of the campaign.24
PAMI met PAM.22
PacifistI broke no bots during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Prologue)22
Please Insert DiskI installed a Bug program.22
Program Not FoundI completed the entire campaign without installing a single Bug program.22
ProgrammaticI installed all available Bug programs during a single run of the campaign.22
RepleteI fed every single Bug to GOD at The Cloud. All 8 of them. (Bug 22 is the 9th)22
Severely Advanced Rocket SurgeryI completed the mission 'Advanced Rocket Surgery' on Severe difficulty.24
Stealthy EmuI reached the end of the Prelude without having been identified and without breaking any bots.22
Strict ModeI completed the entire campaign without lowering the difficulty under 'Strict'.22
Take that thing downI defeated the Parasite.22
Taxi!I took a taxi to The Cloud.22
The BossmanI broke Mr Bossman.22
The Wrong EmuI reached the end of the Prelude.22
They got what they deservedI left no hostile robot active anywhere throughout the entire campaign.24
Total AssemblerI fully assembled a new Bug using all the bits.22
ToweringI resolved the issue with the Big Fat Crate at THE TOWER (mission)24
UnidentifiedI remained unidentified during a single chapter of the campaign (not the Prelude or the Prologue)22
Unrealistically MaroonedI reached the end of the Ctrl Alt Ego campaign and bore witness to the best ending in a game ever.22
VirtualI completed the entire campaign without ever being identified.22