CrushBorgs (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Destroy the enemy botDestroy the enemy bot.200
Destroy the guard cannonDestroy the guard cannon.200
Destroy the hex cannonDestroy the hex cannon.200
Destroy the square cannonDestroy the square cannon.200
Destroy the triple turretDestroy the triple turret.200
Get through the alien lairGet through the alien lair.100
Get through the cannon wallGet through the cannon wall.100
Get through the circuitGet through the circuit.100
Get through the cliffsGet through the cliffs.100
Get through the final bossGet through the final boss.100
Get through the first wallGet through the first wall.100
Get through the guardianGet through the guardian.100
Get through the iceGet through the ice.100
Get through the labGet through the lab.100
Get through the techGet through the tech.100