Crusader Kings III (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
20/20 CouncilAll Council Members have relevant skill levels of 20 or higher (excludes spouse)15
A Council for KingsReplace a Council Member.5
A House of My Own?Create a Cadet Branch of your Dynasty.10
A Legacy to Last the AgesComplete an entire Dynasty Legacy path.15
A Name Known Throughout the WorldReach the highest possible Level of Splendor for your Dynasty.20
A Royal MakeoverUse the Barbershop to change your appearance.5
A Well Educated MindAppoint a Guardian to one of your children.5
Above GodGain a Strong Hook on your Head of Faith.10
Al-AndalusTake the 'Avenge the Battle of Tours' decision and completely control Iberia.20
Almost ThereAs Álmos Árpád, form Hungary and convert to Catholicism.10
An Unfortunate AccidentInherit a title from someone you Murdered?.15
Bad BloodGo to war with one of your siblings over a Claim.15
Beacon of ProgressUnlock all Innovations (excluding regional and culture-specific innovations)20
Black WidowAssassinate someone after seducing them.10
Bravery is Half the VictoryInitiate and successfully form an alliance.5
CelebrityReach the highest possible Level of Fame.15
Claim Your PowerFabricate a claim.5
CompletionistComplete all achievements.100
Death Did Us PartMurder your Spouse.5
Dreadful RulerGain the maximum amount of Dread.10
End of an EraPlay until 1453.20
Fine PrintUse a hook to modify a Feudal Contract.10
Followed by ShadowsKnow ten Secrets simultaneously.15
For the Faith!Take part in a successful Great Holy War.15
FrankokratiaCompletely Control the Kingdom of Thessalonika.15
Hook, Line & SinkerGain different hooks.5
InheritancePass on an inheritable trait to a child.5
It's not a Cult!Create a Faith.10
Kings to the Seventh GenerationAs Count Eudes Robertine of Anjou, 867, your Dynasty rules the Kingdom of France.20
Know Your PlaceDefeat a Faction in War.15
Knowledge Itself is PowerStart a scheme, find a secret, use a hook.5
Land of the RusStart as Rurik the Troublemaker, 867. Lead your Dynasty to rule the Russian Empire.15
Last Count, First KingAs Duke Nuño of Portucale in 1066, form Portugal.20
Lifestyle ChoicesChoose a Lifestyle and apply a Lifestyle Perk.5
Mid Life CrisisComplete any skill tree and then reset your perk points.15
Military MattersCreate and upgrade a Men-At-Arms Regiment.5
MonumentalFully upgrade a Duchy Building anywhere in your personal Domain.15
Mother of Us AllAs Daurama Daura of Kano, 867, reform a pagan faith and convert all local Counties.50
Moving up in the WorldIncrease your Rank.10
Non Nobis DomineFound a Holy Order.15
Norman YokeAs Duke William of Normandy in 1066, subjugate England.15
Not So Feudal SystemUse the Claim Throne Scheme successfully.10
Paragon of VirtueHave three or more Virtuous Traits.20
Power CorruptsUse a hook to help you win an Election.20
ProlificHave hundred living Dynasty members?.20
ReconquistaConvert all of Iberia to Christianity.25
Rise from the AshesRestore the Roman Empire.50
Royal DignityAs Duke Vratislav Premyslid of Bohemia, 1066, rule Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire.15
SaintReach the highest possible Level of Devotion (max Piety)15
SeductiveAs any Character, successfully Seduce 10 people.10
Seven Holy CitiesOwn or become the Liege of all seven Hindu Holy Sites.15
Stressful SituationSuffer from a Mental Breakdown.10
The Art Of WarProgress through the stages of war.5
The Darkness that Surrounds UsAssassinate any character.5
The Emerald IsleStarting as an Irish ruler, form the Kingdom of Ireland.10
The Emperor's New ClothesWhile holding any Empire Title, be naked.20
The Gift of LifeHave a new child.5
The Last to Fall are the BuildingsConstruct a new building.5
The Succession is SafeHave ten living children.10
The Things We Do for LoveMurder your lover's spouse?.10
To Command is to ServeAppoint a new Military Commander.5
Trapped in the WebHave strong hooks on three Direct Vassals.20
Turning to DiamondsReach the highest possible stress level.10
Until Death Do Us PartMarry another character.5
Upgrade to Match Your DestinyUpgrade an existing building.5
Way of LifeObtain every perk in a Lifestyle.10
What Nepotism?Have your Dynasty rule ten sovereign realms of at least Kingdom tier simultaneously.50