Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A well-placed bribe | Use a token to make your creatures undetectable. | 25
Another thesis completed | Finished the tutorial. | 25
Asylum assault | Acquired a second set of research documents. | 25
Baby steps | Acquired a first set of research documents. | 25
C.R.E.A.T.U.R.E.S. | Finish a mission in a district with a TV crew. | 25
Chemist | Have 50 entries in your mixture encyclopedia. | 25
Cities: Flatlines | Use a token to destroy all military forces in a district. | 25
Complete disregard for personal hygiene | Finish a mission in a district with a hospital. | 25
Enough for a great party | Create 30 different creatures. | 65
For the horde | Have at least 10 different creatures active at the same time. | 65
Gotta document them all! | Have 150 entries in your mixture encyclopedia. | 65
Grand theft documento | Acquired a fourth set of research documents. | 50
Hobbyist | Have 25 entries in your mixture encyclopedia. | 25
It's what I deserve | Turn an entire city into zealous followers who praise your every action. | 65
Modern Frankenstein | Animated your first creature. | 25
No Pharma is Safe | Acquired a third set of research documents. | 25
Obedient admirers | Create 10 different creatures. | 25
Practically a fanclub | Create 20 different creatures. | 50
Professor | Have 100 entries in your mixture encyclopedia. | 50
Researcher | Have 75 entries in your mixture encyclopedia. | 50
Stranger's gift | Acquired a fifth set of research documents. | 50
Transcreaturism | Use a token to raise the damage output of your creatures. | 25
True genius | Successfully launched Creature Lab. | 25
Ultimate Achievement | Created the Ultimate Mutagen. | 65
Well stocked | Have at least 5 different creatures active at the same time. | 50
WooHoo! | Use a token to increase a district's population. | 25