Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Better Moves | Use Best Move in a Tour event. | 20
Bronze Challenge | Reach a bronze Challenge tier. | 20
Castling | Castle kingside or Queenside during a game. | 20
Check! | Put the opponent king into Check. | 20
Checkmate! | Win a game of chess. | 25
Chess Jail | Create a relative pin or an absolute pin. | 20
Chess Protege | Complete a lesson. | 20
Circuits! | Complete a game against the AI. | 20
Collect them all! | Unlock and purchase all Editions of all chess sets. | 50
Double Attack! | Create a fork. | 20
Double Pawns | Have two pawns of the same colour on the same file. | 20
Elo | Improve your Elo by 100. | 20
En Passant | Perform the En Passant move. | 25
Fancy | Unlock and equip a new Banner. | 20
First Time Scorer | Get a score and grade in a Tour event. | 20
Going Places | Complete all lessons within a category. | 20
Gold Challenge | Reach a gold Challenge tier. | 50
Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night | Play a game in Tour mode with a different time of day. | 20
Hello! | Use a Phrase. | 20
Hoplon | Unlock and equip the Hoplon Shield. | 20
I Like Stats | Win 50 games. | 20
Jarl | Unlock and equip Jarl's Shield. | 25
Just one Fianchetto | Make a Fianchetto move during game. | 20
Mate-in | Complete any Mate-in puzzle. | 20
Octopus | Place a white knight on e6. | 20
Ohh Fresh Wood | Unlock a chess set. | 20
Oopsy | Use undo in a Tour event. | 20
Personal Best | Beat your previous score on a Tour event. | 50
Promotion | Promote a pawn. | 20
Puzzle Master | Complete all puzzles within a section (pack of puzzles) | 25
Queen Exchange | Exchange queens in a game. | 20
Shiny! | Unlock and purchase all Editions of a chess set. | 25
Shogun | Unlock and equip the Shogun's Cuirass. | 20
Silver Challenge | Reach a silver Challenge tier. | 25
Skews You! | Create a relative or absolute skewer. | 20
Spanish Bishop | Develop a white bishop to b5. | 20
The King | Unlock and equip the Banner of Wisdom. | 25
Think Fast | Start a game using the Rapid timer. | 20
This One! | Play a game with a favourited chess set. | 20
Underpromote | Promote a pawn to a rook, bishop, or knight instead of a queen. | 25
Winner | Win an online game of chess. | 50
Wood Chopping | Complete a Capture puzzle. | 20