Chant, The (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AlchemistCompleted the Alchemical Plant Puzzle without making Alchemical Mulch.30
ArcheologistFound 25 Lore pickups.20
BookwormPicked up all Lore Notes.40
Broken FriendshipCompleted Chapter 2.15
Calm WatersBeat the game with Body as your highest stat.30
Cuisses De GrenouilleKilled the hidden Giant Cankertoad.30
Film FestivalFound all Projector Reels.30
Friendly FireForced an enemy to kill another enemy.80
From Gloom, to Glory!Obtained every Achievement.90
Gloom HunterDefeated 35 Gloom Creatures.15
HistorianFound 45 Lore pickups.30
IcarusCompleted Chapter 3.15
Light at the End of the TunnelEscaped to the Cannery.15
Magister ScientiaeCompleted the game on Magister difficulty.80
Prismic FocusUsed prism abilities thirty times.15
Purge the HereticsDefeated fourty Cultists.15
Raw VeganismConsumed thirty healing items.15
ResourcefulCollected the resources needed to craft your first weapon.5
Rooted in RealityDestroyed fifteen Mandacores.30
SaviorCompleted the game without killing any Cultists.80
ScavengerOpened fifteen cabinets.15
Self-helpCompletely upgraded one of the Mind, Body or Spirit upgrade trees.30
Shh...Beat the game with Spirit as your highest stat.30
SpelunkerFound ten Lore pickups.10
Stalwart PsychosisSucceeded on twenty Mind Attacks.15
Summer SolsticeCompleted the game in four hours or less.80
ThaumaturgyCrafted thirty items.15
The CommencementIt has begun.5
The Howling DarkBeat the game with Mind as your highest stat.30
The RitualCompleted Chapter 4.15
Tools of ConsecrationDepleted twenty throwables.15
UnmaskedCompleted Chapter 5.15
You have chosen... WiselyCompleted the Rafters puzzle without falling.30
Your Weekend Retreat Begins!Completed Chapter 1.15