CarGo! (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
...That's Not How It WorksSell products to obtain 200$ during one level.40
Accidents HappenDie five times during one level.40
Carnage KingDestroy 3000 props. If it's not nailed down, it's in your path.100
Cashing InEarn $25,000 total.30
Cautious DriverComplete a level without destroying any props and achieve at least two stars.65
Decked outObtain every accolade at least once!35
Delivery DynamoDeliver 500 packages.40
FOXDIEDie for the first time. Looks like the Carchipelago just got its own version of FOXDIE.10
First DeliveryCongrats, you're officially on the map!10
High RollerEarn over $2000 in a single level.40
Master courierComplete all levels and prove you're the ultimate delivery driver.30
Package OverloadDeliver fifty packages during single level.50
Package PaloozaDeliver thousand packages.100
Parcel ProDeliver 200 packages.20
Peak EfficiencyComplete a level without letting any bonuses expire.25
Perfect timing!Jump over opening bridges five times in a single level.20
Property DestroyerDestroy thousand props.35
Rolling in the DoughEarn $50,000 total. You could almost afford to pay for all those damages now!100
Small ChangeEarn $10,000 total.20
Splash LandingFall into the water while attempting to jump over a bridge.20
Star struckAchieve three stars on every level.40
Stop! What are you doing?Throw a package into the water.30
Team TakedownCause all players in a co-op game to die at the same moment.35
Think fast, sell faster!Sell five packages in five seconds.30
Timely TriumphAchieve three stars before the clock turns red! Beat the deadline and show you're a master of both speed.10
Wrecking BallDestroy 500 props.25