Achievement | How to unlock | Points
...That's Not How It Works | Sell products to obtain 200$ during one level. | 40
Accidents Happen | Die five times during one level. | 40
Carnage King | Destroy 3000 props. If it's not nailed down, it's in your path. | 100
Cashing In | Earn $25,000 total. | 30
Cautious Driver | Complete a level without destroying any props and achieve at least two stars. | 65
Decked out | Obtain every accolade at least once! | 35
Delivery Dynamo | Deliver 500 packages. | 40
FOXDIE | Die for the first time. Looks like the Carchipelago just got its own version of FOXDIE. | 10
First Delivery | Congrats, you're officially on the map! | 10
High Roller | Earn over $2000 in a single level. | 40
Master courier | Complete all levels and prove you're the ultimate delivery driver. | 30
Package Overload | Deliver fifty packages during single level. | 50
Package Palooza | Deliver thousand packages. | 100
Parcel Pro | Deliver 200 packages. | 20
Peak Efficiency | Complete a level without letting any bonuses expire. | 25
Perfect timing! | Jump over opening bridges five times in a single level. | 20
Property Destroyer | Destroy thousand props. | 35
Rolling in the Dough | Earn $50,000 total. You could almost afford to pay for all those damages now! | 100
Small Change | Earn $10,000 total. | 20
Splash Landing | Fall into the water while attempting to jump over a bridge. | 20
Star struck | Achieve three stars on every level. | 40
Stop! What are you doing? | Throw a package into the water. | 30
Team Takedown | Cause all players in a co-op game to die at the same moment. | 35
Think fast, sell faster! | Sell five packages in five seconds. | 30
Timely Triumph | Achieve three stars before the clock turns red! Beat the deadline and show you're a master of both speed. | 10
Wrecking Ball | Destroy 500 props. | 25