Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Bat! | Turn into a bat for the first time. | 10
Bookworm | Read five books. | 10
Butterflies | Start a relationship. | 15
Cabernet | Complete Chapter 7. | 10
Cat Person | Adopt the cat. | 20
Con Artist | Use hypnotic powers for your own benefit. | 15
Cream of the Crop | Reach the highest vampire rank. | 50
Dream Come True | Help a character achieve their dream. | 35
Dream Crusher | Discourage a character from pursuing their dream. | 10
Erudite | Read twenty books. | 25
Family Matters | Complete Chapter 5. | 10
Finders Keepers | Steal something. | 10
Good Neighbour | Complete a character's side story. | 15
Heartbreaker | Reject a potential romantic partner. | 15
Higher Society | Complete Chapter 1. | 10
Hope | Complete Chapter 8. | 25
Horticulturist | Adopt Faina's plant. | 15
Invest In Your Future | Make a deal with the Countless. | 15
It's Complicated | Reach both max Nihilism and Humanity. | 15
Kupala Night | Complete Chapter 3. | 10
Let the World Burn | Make a deal with Dragomir. | 15
Liar, Liar | Lie to a character. | 10
Love to Spare | Start multiple relationships. | 20
Maestro | Learn all the piano songs in the game. | 20
Make Yourself Comfortable | Spend the rest of your "life" in prison. | 15
Master Sommelier | For those who have sampled it all. | 110
Meet the Cast | Unlock all characters in the Relationship Map. | 20
Necromancer's Assistant | Help resurrect Petya. | 10
No Regrets | Complete Chapter 4. | 10
Parasites and Sycophants | Complete Chapter 2. | 10
Philanthropist | Gift Marusia her own violin. | 20
Puppet Master | Break up a couple and start dating one of them. | 20
Rest in Peace | Complete Prologue. | 10
Safecracker | Open Kirill's safe. | 20
Second in Command | Accept the Mayor's offer. | 15
Serial Killer | Kill three people. | 20
Spirit, Be Gone! | Use Hamsa against Dragomir. | 25
Sweet Memories | Acquire and store five memorabilia items. | 25
The Collector | Find all the scattered painting pieces. | 50
The Defuser | Have your choices lead to the bomb being defused. | 15
The End? | Reach permanent death. | 10
The One Ring | Find and return Gosia's family heirloom. | 35
There Won't Be Blood | Stop the bloodshed at Evgeny and Kirill's duel. | 20
Top 1% | Earn 500 coins. | 20
Trust The System | Make a deal with the Mayor. | 15
Unburied | Complete Chapter 6. | 10
Vampire Cat | Turn your cat into a vampire. | 50
Vegetarian | Don't feed on any live creatures from Chapter 3 onwards. | 25
Welcome to the Club | Turn Kolya into a vampire. | 15