A Tale For Anna (Xbox Series X)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AlchemistAcquire the Air element.125
AvatarGain control over all the elements.125
Chess playerPlay a game of chess.75
ClocksmithFix the time flow.75
CreatorDraw the lost key.50
HealerCleanse the stream of ink.50
LamplighterMake a sunbeam.75
PhonographerWake up Ron.50
Shadow catcherUse the bellows to capture the Shadow.50
Sorcerer's apprenticeFind the spell book.50
StargazerRestore the celestial balance.50
TrackerFind Zoe's hideout.50
TrailblazerClear the path to the Tree of Life.75
TravelerLaunch the boat.50
WizardGrow a magic beanstalk.50