Astrune Academy (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
300 Years of FeelingsEmbraced the truth behind the Frost Uprising, uniting companions.30
AlcesteraEncountered the Alcestera organization while chasing after the mysterious girl.10
An Academic AfternoonWatched to the end of the opening.10
Darkness of SterniaStar Sorcerer Society revealed its true nature to conceal inconvenient facts.50
Deepened ConnectionsStrengthened the connection with Primm and gained the ability to use the power of Zero.30
Defection from the AcademyBelieved in one's ideals, even if it means going against the will of the Academy.10
Demon FriendsAcquired the Soul Source Magic 'Demon Friends'.10
DemonizationAcquired the Soul Source Magic 'Demonization'.10
Divided New WorldReached the New World End.100
Dream FriendBefriended Primavera in dreams who is completely different from the one in real life.10
First Practical Training TaskSolved the task of defeating the demon that lives deep inside Singing Wind Forest.10
Foundation of HoraiThe real Primavera was taken over by Aldahl.50
Grand SlamCompleted the Meteor Gym.100
Infinite ReverieReached the Imaginary End.100
Last Day Tragedy of the First SemesterThe mentor revealed his true identity as the Horian chief, Rivelle.10
Long-Term WorkerObtained a mission award for 'Complete Long-Term'.100
MakeoverAcquired the Soul Source Magic 'Makeover'.10
Medium-Term WorkerObtained a mission award for 'Complete Mid-Term'.50
Messenger of ManaUncovered the fact that Sternians and Horians fought together 2,000 years ago.30
Missing AirlieAssisted in the search for the missing lord, Airlie.10
Power to Return to ZeroNeedle Town was completely erased by the hands of Rivelle and Primavera.10
Practical Training Class StartThe practical training classes for the final year at the Academy has begun.10
Rescuing AirlieSuccessfully rescued the kidnapped Airlie.10
Seeking the TruthActively pursued the truth behind the sudden change in the mentor.10
Service Activity Credit AcquisitionCompleted all the quests.100
Short-Term WorkerObtained a mission award for 'Complete Short-Term'.20
Sprout of CoexistenceSternians and Horians collaborated to overcome the village crisis.10
Task CompletedSuccessfully defeated the demon for the task.10
The Path to FollowStayed in Sternport to uncover the true state of the world.10
Truth of InvasionShocked to discover that the taught historical facts were completely opposite.10
Warp Magic MasteryAcquired the warp magic and Local Warping.10
World in MotionConfronted Aldahl's advance by cooperating with Saison Chevalier.50