Asteroids: Recharged (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
All Dead, All DeadKill twenty enemies in rapid succession.20
Cool CatComplete all challenges in a single player mode.100
Friends Will Be FriendsResurrect an ally in coop mode.20
Good CompanyComplete all challenges in coop mode.100
Keep Yourself AliveSurvive for 180 seconds.50
Killer QueenKill thirty enemies with a single mega laser.20
MachinesKill thousand UFOs.100
MisfireKill an enemy with a deflected bullet.20
Now I'm HereReach 1000 points without moving.50
Put Out the FireDetonate thirty bombs with a single shot.75
Rock ItKill thousand asteroids.100
The HeroReach 2000 points in arcade mode.50
The HitmanReach 4000 points in arcade mode.75
The Invisible ManReach 6000 points in arcade mode.100
The MiracleReach 500 points without missing a single shot.20
We Will Rock YouHave fifty asteroids in the level at the same time.100