Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Game of Tags | Triage hundred patients. | 60
Are we there yet? | Drive hundred miles. | 20
Bookworm | Opened every handbook page. | 10
Chemical Aid Guardian | Successful finish the catastrophic event "Acidic Poison Accident". | 40
Detective | You gathered all available information before treating a patient. | 20
Disaster Veteran | Play a Catastrophic Event ten times. | 30
EMT | Complete three shifts on classic mode. | 20
Express Care | Finish Field Treatment in less than five minutes. | 10
Family Time? Denied! | Spent more than twenty minutes in Shift Overtime. | 20
First Impressions | Play at least one hour in each city district. | 40
Freeway Lifesaver | Successful finish the catastrophic event "Freeway Catastrophe". | 40
Full First Aid Course | Total Playtime reached fifty hours. | 20
Fully Armed | Unlock all tools. | 40
I've seen everything | Complete all callouts at least once. | 30
Master of Disaster | Complete all Catastrophic Events with the highest rank. | 100
Medicus Totalus | Unlock everything! | 80
Mummified | Fully bandage a patient. | 10
Not a Bulldozer | Trigger Game Over from Collision. | 10
Not a Rookie anymore | Complete all callouts with the highest rank. | 100
Not today! | Save three patients in a regular shift. | 30
Old Town Roads | Move the stretcher over two miles. | 30
Overwhelming | Unlock all callouts. | 40
Ready for Action | Complete your first shift. | 20
Safely Delivered | Sucessful transport a patient to a hospital. | 30
Sightseer | Finish a shift in every city district. | 10
Siren Symphony Duo | Unlock a second vehicle. | 20
The Mall Hero | Successful finish the catastrophic event "The Mall is on Fire". | 40
Time Loop | Play the same Catastrophic shift again. | 10
Tracker | Find all patients during a catastrophic shift. | 10
True Paramedic | Complete three shifts on simulation mode. | 40
Workout | Travel ten miles on foot. | 20