Afterlove EP (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A cup of coffee is all you needPerform at Coffee Chat!25
Awful HangoverRama and Cinta 8th Memory.20
Beat of a broken heartAdit, the drummer, shares his breakup with Regina.25
Behind the GlamourHangs out with Regina, seeing the model off-duty.25
Bilur BiruLets do Rama's Route.25
Books Over BusinessSpends time with Mira, discussing favorites books.25
Caught in the rain!Rama and Cinta 4th Memory.20
Cute Meet!Rama and Cinta 2nd Memory.20
Deminors!Looking for Music Opinion with Satria.25
Draw me like your Jaksel boyRama and Cinta 1st Memory.20
End of the dayReturning step.10
Fooling FestRama and Cinta 11th Memories.20
Happy Song!Afterlove EP Release!25
Hello WorldFirst sunlight in a while.10
I'm SorryBreak Up Ending!60
Japanese Culture ConRama and Cinta 6th Memory.20
LingkarLets do Mira's Route.25
Love is in the airNormal Ending!80
Meet TofuRama and Cinta 9th Memory.20
MimpiLets do Satria's Route.25
MissmatchBad Ending!40
New Year Grill Party!Rama and Cinta 10th Memory.20
Ondel-ondel scareRama and Cinta 7th Memory.20
Outfit of the dayRama and Cinta 5th Memory.20
Painting of RamaRama and Cinta 3rd Memory.20
Perfect MatchPerfect Ending!100
Sad SongPending Release.25
SuakaPerfect Score on Suaka Song in Normal Mode.60
TatkalaLets do Regina's Route.25
TempuhPerfect Score on Tempuh Song in Normal Mode.60
Temu HilangPerfect Score on Temu Hilang in Normal Mode.60
The Basist!Have a chat with Tasya at Haro.25