Afterimage (Xbox Series X)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
"Comfortably Numb"Do not disturb other's "work".10
AFTERIMAGEAchieve all achievements.200
Broken WingsDefeat Loss, the Broken Wings.10
Come As You AreWitness the long journey of Stanley and Levine.10
CondolenceMay our paths cross soon once again...10
CradleDown in a hall and I don't know if I can be saved.10
Darkside of the moonDefeat Guider, the Shadow Moon.10
DreamSweet dreams... are made of this?10
EpicureTaste all cuisines of Engardin.25
EssentialAlong the Tablet, seared by fate.25
Fade To BlackWitness the endless end of Ethan.10
For Whom The Bell TollsDefeat Karin, the Occult Prime.10
Gate Of BabylonCollect all weapons and armors.25
GeographerActivate all Confluences of Stream.10
Gimme ShelterDefeat Agus, the Pyro Goliath, Aqil, the Pyro Goliath.10
Holy DiverPerform a leap of faith.20
HomecomingWhere is my mind?10
HopeThis fire is out of control...10
In the Name of GodDefeat all powerful existences.20
Iron ManDefeat an enemy by performing an enhanced Iron Bastion.20
JourneyWe're out on the road again.25
Keen HunterComplete the Beastiary.10
Long Gone DayWitness the effects of Nicole.10
LuxurianceCollect all shards of Divine Leaf and Divine Flower.25
Money For NothingPurchase all shop items.25
No SurrenderDefeat all bosses.25
OmneityObtain all abilities and Afterimages, and reach level 99.25
On The RoadWitness the great adventure of Karsa and Brenda.10
Poem Of DeathWitness the last Echo of Rosalia.10
Se's ApprenticeCollect all accessories.25
She Is My SinDefeat Eseus, the Transcendent.25
Sleeping SunWitness the fading of a sun.10
TIS AIN'T POGO TIMESave this for the sequel!20
Taste of HappinessTaste the flavour of happiness.10
The AssaultDefeat Lush Wolf.10
The March Of The SwordmasterLearn all secret arts.25
The Number Of The BeastDeal 666 damage in one single hit.20
The WallRed phone or blue phone?10
Thoroughly TemperedReach level 99.10
Tomorrow Will Be LongerDefeat Eseus, the Eternal.55
TrinityIn the name of the Mask, Sword, and Halo.25
WaitingEngadin is doomed and there's nothing I can do.10
Withering...the hardest part of this is leaving you.10
Word Of ShenlongCollect all Shenlong Glyphs.25
Word Of The PrimevalCollect all Primeval Glyphs.25
World FlowerShine on, you crazy flower.55