Zombo Buster Rising (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AirboneKill 100 flying zombies.30
Attack on GiantKill 100 giant zombies.30
Big BangUse Bomb of Duty 50 times.50
Bomb AddictHave the Rocketeer shoot 500 rockets.50
Captain ZBRFully upgrade all characters.25
Colossal ZombieDefeat Zombogod.20
Dragunov EffectHave the Sniper shoot through 100 zombies.50
Evil ResidentKill 1500 zombies in total.30
Guerella TrooperRescue 15 refugees in total.30
Infinity BulletsHave the Gunner shoot 1000 bullets.50
Let's Talk About LifeDefeat Zombogod with perfect life.40
Like A SirAcquire all gems.50
MoneymanHave 10000 gold.50
Piece of CakeHave 500 critical shots in total.30
Portable KatyushaHave the Rocketeer shoot 50 extra rockets.50
Rocketeer MadnessHave the Rocketeer kill 500 zombies.50
Silent ShooterHave the Sniper shoot 750 bullets.50
Sniper MysteryHave the Sniper kill 500 zombies.50
Stunning ShooterHave the Gunner stun 200 zombies.50
The BombardUnlock the Rocketeer.30
The Call DownUse Air Strike 20 times.70
The MarksmanUnlock the Sniper.30
Tic TocUse Time Machine 35 times.35
Zombie ParadeHave the Gunner kill 500 zombies.50