Achievement | How to unlock
A helping hand (80 points) | Complete all sidequests in the game.
A new beginning (30 points) | Complete the objective in Fe.
Are you sleeping? (15 points) | Have 6 enemies stunned at the same time.
Ball-sense (15 points) | Catch the same three times without them touching the ground.
Big spender (30 points) | Spend a total of 30.000 gold in the store.
Born to fly (15 points) | Keep an enemy airborne for 4 seconds.
Catch! (15 points) | Kill an enemy with their own projectile.
Flattened (15 points) | Have the crushers defeat 10 enemies.
Fowl Play (15 points) | Kill an enemy by throwing a chicken at them.
Go Unicorns! (30 points) | Win against the Butterflies in Söcker without letting the other team score once.
High Level Tactics (15 points) | Make an enemy bounce on 4 others.
Holmgang (15 points) | Win a duel to the undeath.
House Cure (30 points) | Defeat the Common Cold without hitting him with your sword.
I can see my house from here (30 points) | Form a zombie tower of 5 with a guest of your choice.
I hope it doesn't stain (30 points) | Defeat a boss using zombie vomit.
In my face (15 points) | Defeat an enemy by throwing a friends head into them.
Is such a thing even possible? (30 points) | Finish Berzerker Factory without touching a conveyor belt.
Master at arms (80 points) | Unlock all weapons.
Mid-air Collision (15 points) | Revive a friend by throwing both parts into each other mid-air.
Mighty Blow (30 points) | Kill 3 ulgars at the same time.
Nice To Beak You (15 points) | Have Beaknose defeat 10 enemies.
Perks of being a zombie (15 points) | Get revived 50 times.
Runemaster (80 points) | Unlock all runes.
Sharing is caring (15 points) | Have all players hold an enemy before it touches the ground.
Space Butterflies (15 points) | Clear Tavern Brawl in Rich Side unscathed.
Stealth tactics (30 points) | Complete the gnome cave without ever being detected.
Strike! (15 points) | Hit a frozen enemy into 5 other enemies.
They also use it on new years day (30 points) | Escape the fishturd cannon unschathed with 4 players.
Treasure Hunter (80 points) | Open 25 chests.
We call this Pöng (15 points) | Strike a frozen enemies back and forth 10 times.
You are not supposed to be here (30 points) | Find the super secret developer area.
Zombies roll-out! (80 points) | Finish the story!
Zombiosis (30 points) | Perform the 4 player charge attack on the stitch zombie.