Yet Another Zombie Defense HD (Xbox One)

Easy "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" Achievement

Start defensive mode as the man and don't shoot any bullets just die.

Easy "Challenger" Achievement

You can play a local match. One Deathmatch lasts five minutes. The achievement pops after the match ends.

Easy "Watch your steps" Achievement

This has to be done in Defense mode. First survive until night 9. E.g. get a chainsaw in wave 2 and save up. Then buy all the discounted mines you can until night 9. You should easily get something like 200 mines. Then plant them literally everywhere you can (there's a roughly circle-shaped area around the light pole that you can plant structures). Then stand in the middle of the level by the light pole and do nothing (you may walk if necessary).

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
ArsonistKill 70 enemies with flamethrower in one night in defense mode30
BeginnerSurvive for 2:00 in endless night mode30
CaptainScore 250,000 points in defense mode30
ChallengerPlay through a deathmatch game30
Cheap and reliableKill 300 zombies with shotgun in a single game in defense mode30
ColonelScore 1,000,000 points in defense mode100
Combat masterySurvive 10 nights without any barricades, turrets or mines30
Come get someBuild and equip four turrets30
CorporalScore 30,000 points in defense mode20
DemolitionKill 8 zombies with a single rocket in defense mode30
Efficient usageUse no more than 6 clips during the first night30
GrenadierSurvive night 7 or higher using grenades only30
LieutenantScore 150,000 points in defense mode30
LumberjackSurvive night 7 or higher using chainsaw only30
MajorScore 500,000 points in defense mode50
Not so fastHave 25 enemies frozen at the same time in defense mode30
One shot, many killsKill 8 zombies with a single sniper rifle bullet in defense mode30
Precise cutKill 15 enemies with a single laser beam30
PrivateScore 10,000 points in defense mode20
Saving upSurvive 6 nights without buying anything30
SergeantScore 80,000 points in defense mode20
SurvivorSurvive for 3:30 in endless night mode50
UntouchableSurvive 10 nights without taking any damage50
VeteranSurvive for 5:00 in endless night mode50
Watch your stepsSurvive night 9 or higher using mines only30