Yaga (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Fool's Death (30 points)Be foolish.
A Glove on a Stump (20 points)Throw a few enemies away.
A gilded gift (20 points)Give the Gilded Apple to the Tzar.
A golden gift (20 points)Give the Golden Apple to the Tzar.
A muddy drink (20 points)Give the Muddy Water of Youth to the Tzar.
A pure drink (20 points)Give the Water of Youth to the Tzar.
An Improvised Shield (20 points)Attach a cartwheel to your arm stump.
Bad Faith (20 points)Attack all old altars.
Chicken Killer (13 points)Kill village chickens.
Crushed Ice (20 points)Destroy Morozko's Heart.
Death to Misfortune (30 points)Kill an old enemy.
Ding! Dong! (13 points)Hit the church bell.
Empty Handed (30 points)Finish the game without forging any tools.
Friend to Misfortune (30 points)Spare an old enemy.
Get over here! (20 points)Use the chainfork to pull a few enemies closer.
Grandma's Wish (50 points)Marry a warrior queen.
Heated Heart (20 points)Try to flirt a few times.
Help is on the way! (15 points)Call in a spared creature to help you.
Ivan the Blacksmith (40 points)Remain a blacksmith.
Ivan the Fool (20 points)Be really Foolish.
Ivan the Greedy (20 points)Be really Greedy.
Ivan the Righteous (20 points)Be really Righteous.
Ivan the Terrible (20 points)Be really Aggressive.
Kissed by the Sunstroke (20 points)Ivan + Poludnica = Love.
Love in the Farmlands (20 points)Polevik + Poludnica = Love.
Maria's Advisor (50 points)Become a royal advisor.
Not Only for Agriculture (20 points)Turn a sickle into a weapon.
One Handed Blacksmith (5 points)Lose an arm!
Peace in the Swamp (20 points)Make the vodnik rest in peace.
Perfectly Balanced (20 points)Be really Neutral.
Quiet in the Swamp (20 points)Help the vodnik live in peace.
Rich in Faith (7 points)Make the priest rich.
Sparkling Ice (20 points)Help Morozko find love.
TL;DW; (17 points)Skip a carefully crafted cutscene.
The Blacksmith's New Clothes (50 points)Become the Tzar alone.
The Wedding (50 points)Reach the end of the game.
Treasure Hunter (20 points)Dig up a burried treasure.
Trick or Threat! (20 points)Trick the polevik's minions.
Undead Freedom (20 points)Let Koschei go.
Undead Prison (30 points)Lock Koschei up.
United by Loss (20 points)Crazed man + Poludnica = Love.
Yaga's Facepalm (40 points)Witness Yaga's facepalm.