Achievement | How to unlock | Points
12 year old whiskey | Get all Achievements. | 20
A pretty kettle of fish | Don't get hit by any flying fish in stage 7+8. | 50
As good as new | Beat a stage without getting hit/full life. | 90
Calm waters | Beat all levels. | 90
Center stage | Get 22500 points at stage 5. | 10
Cheater! | Activate a cheatcode. | 10
Das Boot | Max. out ship equipment (best ship, best cannon, all secondaries, full satellites) | 50
Deep sea, high score | Get the highscore. | 90
Dome go home | Beat Level 7. | 10
Drive-By | Kill ten enemies by driving into them. | 10
Drowning in credits | Own 50k Credits. | 50
Even 3 hearts aren't enough | Beat Level 5. | 10
Fight fire with fire | Kill ten suns with the flamethrower. | 10
Full fleet | Have nine ships in your fleet. | 10
Jumping from the edge of the pool is prohibi | Beat Level 4. | 10
Let's dive together | Beat a level in two player mode. | 10
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall | Beat the game in mirror mode. | 50
Pop the bubble! | Destroy five bubble ships before they drop their bombs. | 90
Scorpions can't breathe underwater | Beat Level 3. | 10
Skeletons sleep with the fishes | Beat Level 1. | 10
Smart choice | Kill twelve enemies with a single smart bomb. | 90
Snake charmer | Make five snakes kill themselves by manoeuvring into their own tail. | 10
Starlink integrated | Beat a level with only satellites equipped. | 90
Stop cruising | Beat Level 6. | 10
Stop spawning | Beat Level 2. | 10
Taser | Kill five enemys with a single electric arc. | 50
We all lived in an orange submarine | Shoot down every submarine in level 1+2. | 50