X-Out: Resurfaced (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
12 year old whiskeyGet all Achievements.20
A pretty kettle of fishDon't get hit by any flying fish in stage 7+8.50
As good as newBeat a stage without getting hit/full life.90
Calm watersBeat all levels.90
Center stageGet 22500 points at stage 5.10
Cheater!Activate a cheatcode.10
Das BootMax. out ship equipment (best ship, best cannon, all secondaries, full satellites)50
Deep sea, high scoreGet the highscore.90
Dome go homeBeat Level 7.10
Drive-ByKill ten enemies by driving into them.10
Drowning in creditsOwn 50k Credits.50
Even 3 hearts aren't enoughBeat Level 5.10
Fight fire with fireKill ten suns with the flamethrower.10
Full fleetHave nine ships in your fleet.10
Jumping from the edge of the pool is prohibiBeat Level 4.10
Let's dive togetherBeat a level in two player mode.10
Mirror, Mirror on the WallBeat the game in mirror mode.50
Pop the bubble!Destroy five bubble ships before they drop their bombs.90
Scorpions can't breathe underwaterBeat Level 3.10
Skeletons sleep with the fishesBeat Level 1.10
Smart choiceKill twelve enemies with a single smart bomb.90
Snake charmerMake five snakes kill themselves by manoeuvring into their own tail.10
Starlink integratedBeat a level with only satellites equipped.90
Stop cruisingBeat Level 6.10
Stop spawningBeat Level 2.10
TaserKill five enemys with a single electric arc.50
We all lived in an orange submarineShoot down every submarine in level 1+2.50