Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Aberration PurifiedAberration Purified.15
Acts of MiseryActs of Misery.15
Artificer of Raw MagicArtificer of Raw Magic.15
As Plague WalksAs Plague Walks.15
Back to BasicsBack to Basics.15
Children's TrialChildren's Trial.55
City PlannerCity Planner.15
Closer to GenesisCloser to Genesis.15
Dawn's HealingDawn's Healing.15
Death MarchingDeath Marching.15
Every Jewel in the ConcordatEvery Jewel in the Concordat.15
Executioner Among ExecutionersExecutioner Among Executioners.15
Flawless VictoryFlawless Victory.15
Gilded ExtravaganceGilded Extravagance.15
Golden RegencyGolden Regency.15
Hard Earned AlliesHard Earned Allies.15
Imperial PretenceImperial Pretence.15
Into the FuryInto the Fury.15
Living RamLiving Ram.15
Low Level ManagementLow Level Management.15
Maritime CommerceMaritime Commerce.15
Monolithic MythMonolithic Myth.15
My Guillotine's ItchyMy Guillotine's Itchy.15
Neophyte CollectorNeophyte Collector.15
New MythologiesNew Mythologies.15
Nightmares in the RepublicNightmares in the Republic.15
Our Favourite ButcherOur Favourite Butcher.15
Our Makers and KillersOur Makers and Killers.15
Pomp and CircumstancePomp and Circumstance.15
Portuary CommandPortuary Command.15
Primordial ExcavationsPrimordial Excavations.15
Princely PatronagePrincely Patronage.15
Proven InitiateProven Initiate.15
Punishment ItselfPunishment Itself.15
Republican ConquestRepublican Conquest.15
Seasoned FighterSeasoned Fighter.15
Second MansionSecond Mansion.15
Senseless RelapseSenseless Relapse.15
Shatter the EvilShatter the Evil.15
Shoot the Caster FirstShoot the Caster First.15
Sink or SwimSink or Swim.15
Sins of the FleshSins of the Flesh.15
So Said The PrinceSo Said The Prince.15
Stable FundsStable Funds.15
There Follows DeathThere Follows Death.15
Total AscensionTotal Ascension.15
Trial By FireTrial By Fire.15
Upscale DarlingUpscale Darling.15
Vaultmarcher RegicideVaultmarcher Regicide.15
Voidcrafting ArcanistVoidcrafting Arcanist.15
Walk Through FireWalk Through Fire.15
Wanton SlaughterWanton Slaughter.15
Warming UpWarming Up.15
Well SuppliedWell Supplied.15
Whispers in the ConcordatWhispers in the Concordat.15
Who Salts The EarthWho Salts The Earth.15
Wolswag: Lords of FashionWolswag: Lords of Fashion.15