Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Finding a treasure | Complete level 2. | 50
Going for an adventure | Complete level 5. | 50
Good boy | Throw a bone to the dog. | 50
Look what I found! | Complete the game. | 100
Preserving Nature | Throw 25 bottles in the trash. | 150
Runaway cats | Find all cats of level 10. | 50
Secrets come from the ground | Solve the puzzle of the level 12. | 100
Stacked high | Stack three totems. | 100
Sunk | Solve the puzzle of level 8. | 100
Throw a bone to the dog | Find the Bigfoot. | 50
Time to wake up | Wake up the ranger. | 50
Welcome | Complete the first level. | 50
Wild Gnomes | Find all three gnomes. | 50
Wildlife Photo | Take a wildlife photo. | 50