Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Better a hamster today than... | Use the microwave. | 25
Bookworm | Read all the post-its. | 25
Cartographer | Complete the map of Captain Kidd. | 25
Coordinates wizard | Find the exact spot on the map. | 25
Dear old Zak | Examine the clock in the kitchen. | 25
Destroyer of worlds | Shoot the cannon. | 25
Dream or reality? | Break the fortune cookie. | 25
End of games | Complete the adventure. | 150
Family memories | Examine the painting in Willy's room. | 25
Fire walk with me | Examine the owl statue in the little bookcase. | 25
Hidden treasures 01 | Find the Fabergé egg. | 25
Hidden treasures 02 | Find the golden dragon. | 25
Historian of Bone Town | Examine the three stained glass windows inside the church. | 25
Illusions | Look in the mirror in Willy's parents' room. | 25
It's worth a shot... maybe | Use the rubber hammer on the piggy bank. | 25
Legend | Find Captain America's shield. | 25
Loyal customer | Examine all the pictures and sculptures in the corridor of the Dead Man Inn. | 25
Night shift | Examine the voodoo doll. | 25
Old acquaintance | Make Jimbo "almost" human. | 25
Old secret passages | Examine the grandfather clock. | 25
Pirate city | Reach Bone Town. | 25
Psycho | Examine the shower in room 09's bathroom. | 25
Secret in the secret | Find the cave. | 25
Skilled safecracker | Combine two objects in the inventory. | 25
That's another story | Examine the posters outside the library. | 25
The Collector | Obtain all achievements in "Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town". | 25
The apple of your eye | Try to pick up all the apple cores in room 09. | 25
The black lodge | Notice the pattern on the floor of room 10. | 25
The challenge | Use Thor's hammer at the amusement park. | 25
The lost monkey | Notice the book in Willy's room. | 25
The trio | Examine the poster in Willy's room. | 25
Traces of el pollo diablo | Notice the design of the table cloth. | 25
Trusted mechanic | Mount the bicycle. | 25
When the game gets tough | Switch the guns. | 25
You again, Doctor Fred! | Examine the drugstore sign. | 25