Verdun (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
#1Receive the gold medal "Best player" 10 times.10
AimbotReceive the gold medal "Most shots & none missed" 10 times.30
Anker Wirf!Unlock all specializations for the Pioniers.10
Basic TrainingReach level 25.10
Battle hardenedReach personal level 50.10
Blast fishingMake a triple kill with explosives/grenades.10
Blood BrotherPlay together with the same friend 250 times.30
Bronze x100Receive a total of 100 bronze medals.10
BuddyPlay together with the same friend 50 times.10
ComradePlay together with the same friend 100 times.10
Corpseman IIIReach 10,000 kills.60
Corpseman IIReach 5,000 kills.10
Corpseman IReach 500 kills.10
Developers, Developers, DevelopersCheck out the credits screen.10
Do you even die?Receive the gold medal "10+ kills/No deaths" 10 times.30
Eagle EyeKill an enemy from over 100 meters.10
Elite PlayerReach level 100.75
Extreme HeadhunterReceive the gold medal "Most headshots & only headshots" 10 times.30
For King and CountryUnlock all specializations for the Tommies.10
Furchtlos Und TreuUnlock all specializations for the Schutzen.10
Gold CollectorReceive all gold medals.30
Gold HoarderReceive all gold medals 10x75
Gold x100Receive a total of 100 gold medals.60
Golden HeadhunterReceive the gold medal "Most headshots" 10 times.10
Gott Mitt UnsUnlock all specializations for the Landser.10
Headhunter IIIMake 5,000 headshots.30
Headhunter IIMake 1,000 headshots.10
Headhunter IMake 100 headshots.10
Honneur et PatrieUnlock all specializations for the Poilus.10
Hunting the HunReceive the gold medal "Best Kill/Death ratio over 10 kills" 10 times.10
In Treue FestUnlock all specializations for the Alpenjäger.10
Let them, come to usReceive the gold medal "Best defence squad" 10 times.10
Manual Labour IIIMake 500 melee kills.30
Manual Labour IIMake 100 melee kills.10
Manual Labour IMake 10 melee kills.10
Not aloneJoin a friend.10
Offense is the best defenceReceive the gold medal "Best advancing squad" 10 times.10
Providentiea MemorUnlock all specializations for the Stoßtrupp.10
Semper FidelisUnlock all specializations for the Marines.10
Setting an exampleKill 10 enemies as a squad NCO in 1 match.10
Shoot, Cover, Reload, RepeatReceive the gold medal "Most kills" 10 times.10
Sidi BrahimUnlock all specializations for the Chasseurs.10
Silver CollectorReceive all silver medals.10
Silver HoarderReceive all silver medals 10x40
Silver x100Receive a total of 100 silver medals.30
That's another one down!Receive the gold medal "Longest killstreak" 10 times.10
There is no I in teamReceive the gold medal "Best squad of match" 10 times.10
This We'll Defend!Unlock all specializations for the Doughboys.10
VeteranReach level 75.10
Voor De KoningUnlock all specializations for the Belgians.10
War is better with friends II1Gain 50k co-op XP with a player.10
War is better with friends IIIGain 100k co-op XP with a player.10
War is better with friends IVGain 250k co-op XP with a player.30
War is better with friends IGain 10k co-op XP with a player.10
We Stand on GuardUnlock all specializations for the Canadians.10
Worth ItKill an enemy player while you are dead.10