Vagante (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Bird FoodKill the Rock Worm.10
Conclusion (Hard)Beat the Game with All Rune Orbs in Hard Mode.75
ConclusionBeat the Game with All Rune Orbs.75
Darkness Beckons (Hard)Complete the Forest in Hard Mode.30
Darkness BeckonsComplete the Forest.10
Dragon SlayerKill the Baby Dragon.10
Forbidden MagicKill the Necromancer.15
Fresh Air (Hard)Complete the Caves in Hard Mode.30
Fresh AirComplete the Caves.10
FungicideKill the Mushroom Golem.10
Iced (Hard)Kill the Evil Mage in Hard Mode.30
IcedKill the Evil Mage.30
Infernal Engine (Hard)Kill the Rust Fiend in Hard Mode.30
Infernal EngineKill the Rust Fiend.30
Into the Breach (Hard)Complete the Catacombs in Hard Mode.30
Into the BreachComplete the Catacombs.10
Locked for a Reason (Hard)Kill the Tower Serpent in Hard Mode.30
Locked for a ReasonKill the Tower Serpent.30
Myth Slayer (Hard)Kill the Chimera in Hard Mode.30
Myth SlayerKill the Chimera.30
No Masters!Kill the Goblin King.10
Nothing to Brood AboutKill the Brood Demon.30
Oh the Horror!Kill the Abomination.15
Slayer of GiantsKill the Behemoth.25
Stay in your Grave!Kill the Zombie Dragon.15
The Cycle Continues (Hard)Beat the Game in Hard Mode.75
The Cycle ContinuesBeat the Game.75
The Dark SideKill the Shadow Knight.25
The End? (Hard)Complete the Rifts in Hard Mode.30
The End?Complete the Rifts.25
Weed WhackerKill the Vine Lord.10
Where to next?Complete all the other achievements.100
Will-No-WispKill the Wisp Queen.10