Sword of the Vagrant (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Chain burstAchieve 999 combos.50
Demon hunterSlay 666 monsters.20
Dominator HolbornFailed to stop Soulreaper.10
DuelStop Soulreaper.20
EnhancedAcquire a max ranked weapon or armour.20
Esgonian generalDefeat Esgonian general.20
Evolving fungusFailed to defeat Shroom prime.10
ExplorerActivate all Stelas.20
Fallen KumasithDefeat Fallen Kumasith.50
Family reunionAchieve normal ending.30
FlawlessAchieve 500 combos.30
Gone wasteKeep drinking potions.10
GourmetAcquire all recipes.20
Ground shakerDefeat Ground shaker.20
HMWVDefeat HMWV.20
Headless horsemanDefeat Headless horseman.20
I killed the chickenSlay the chicken.10
Kumasith rampageFailed to defeat Kumasith.10
KumasithDefeat Kumasith.20
Mana collectorCollect 1,000,000 mana accumulatively.50
MasteryAchieve 100 combos.10
Maximillian IIDefeat Maximillian II.20
NotedUnlock all entries in Note.20
Onion!Acquire an onion from the chef in Brocley village.10
Potion feverConsumed 100 potions in total.20
Rune packedAcquire a weapon or armour with four runestones.20
Runecraft masterUnlock all abilities.30
SantiagoDefeat Santiago.20
Seed of lifeAchieve true ending.50
Shroom primeDefeat Shroom prime.20
SlayerUnlock all entries in Monsterpedia.20
Soulreaper rebornDefeat Soulreaper.30
SoulreaperFight Soulreaper.10
The VagrantUnlock all achievements.70
The count of pietyFailed to defeat Santiago.10
The truthAcquire Sword of verum.50
True runeswardenAcquire all skills.20
ValerieDefeat Valerie.30
Very Hard modeClear the game in Very Hard difficulty.30
Wealthy travellerCollect 1,000,000 gold accumulatively.50