Super Solitaire (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AceComplete a game of Solitaire in under two minutes and thirty seconds.200
DemonicBeat The Devil on Demonly hard diffuculty.100
DevilishBeat The Devil on Devilishly hard diffuculty.150
DevilryBeat The Devil on Very hard diffuculty.50
KingComplete a game of Solitaire in under three minutes.100
PatienceComplete 25 games of Solitaire.25
PerfectComplete 100 games of Solitaire.100
PersistentComplete 50 games of Solitaire.50
PlayfulComplete a game of Solitaire.25
QueenComplete a game of Solitaire in under four minutes.100
RewindUse Undo ten times.50
Show meUse Hint ten times.50