Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Ace | Complete a game of Solitaire in under two minutes and thirty seconds. | 200
Demonic | Beat The Devil on Demonly hard diffuculty. | 100
Devilish | Beat The Devil on Devilishly hard diffuculty. | 150
Devilry | Beat The Devil on Very hard diffuculty. | 50
King | Complete a game of Solitaire in under three minutes. | 100
Patience | Complete 25 games of Solitaire. | 25
Perfect | Complete 100 games of Solitaire. | 100
Persistent | Complete 50 games of Solitaire. | 50
Playful | Complete a game of Solitaire. | 25
Queen | Complete a game of Solitaire in under four minutes. | 100
Rewind | Use Undo ten times. | 50
Show me | Use Hint ten times. | 50