Submerged: Hidden Depths (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
BotanistCollect all Flowers.50
CartographerUse all Lookouts.50
ConclusionFinish the Campaign.100
CostumierChange Body Style.50
CuratorView a Relic at the Home Base.50
DecoratorPut a Flower in your hair.50
HairdresserChange Hair Style.50
HistorianCollect all Diaries.100
OutfitterCollect all Styles.100
RefurbisherChange Boat Style.50
SalvagerCollect all Relics.100
ShipwrightCollect all Boat Boosts.100
VisitorVisit all Landmarks.50
ZoologistCollect all Creatures.100