Styx: Shards of Darkness (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Handsome GiftFinish Mission 3.15
A Rat LifeHaving hidden 50 times in a duct or a hideout.20
Ace of Scrap!Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of the Thief.20
AcidificationKill 5 guards with acid traps.10
All Along The GobtowerUnlock Gold level for all Insignias in all missions.100
An athlete through and throughFinish a mission with the gold Insignia of Swiftness.20
Crime and PrejudiceFinish Mission 6.30
DesertionFinish Mission 5.15
Devoted ServantsTeleport 20 times into a clone (with the skill).25
Did you see something?Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of the Shadow.20
Dr. Boom!Finish Mission 8.25
FugitiveGet out alive from 10 red alerts.15
Goblin FarmerCollect 50 raw materials.30
Goblin MasterUnlock all achievements.100
It's time for soupDissolve 10 enemies (vial of acid).15
Lamb of GobCreate 50 clones.20
Master AlchemistCraft 30 items.30
Morpheus' BladeKill an enemy in his sleep.10
My precious...Drink 25 potions of amber.20
Oh My Gob!Unlock all skills.100
PhoenixBe saved by a Life-saving Clone.15
Pickpocket KingPickpocket 10 enemies.10
RehabComplete a level without using an amber power.15
Sensitive GobFinish a mission with the gold Insignia of Mercy.20
Slowly but surely?Finish the introduction.10
The Gob in a BoxBeing invisible in a chest and not being caught by an enemy on a search.40
The Mysterious ScepterFinish Mission 1.15
The ProfessionalKill all the enemies in a zone.30
The Seed of DiscordFinish Mission 7.20
This. Is. THOBEN!!Push 10 enemies over the edge.15
Trigonal Elven SystemUnlock your first ultimate skill.30
UntouchedFinish a level without taking damage.30
Weapon of ChoiceFinish Mission 4.15
Welcome to KorrangarFinish Mission 2.15