Achievement | How to unlock
Amazing Asteroid Annihilator (100 points) | Mine 500 asteroids.
Catch the wave dude (60 points) | Jump using T-Drive.
Coup de grāce (20 points) | Complete Two Faced.
Down to the wire (100 points) | Survive a battle with less than 5% hull points remaining.
Freelancer (100 points) | Solve 20 freelance missions.
Gemini barbecue (100 points) | Buy a shipment of meat and Hogwash and then fly into a sun 'till you ship almost pops.
Gratuitous Gunner (0 points) | Deal 500,000 damage points.
Ground zero (100 points) | Collide with a planet.
Hitchhiker's Guide (100 points) | Explore the entire Gemini system.
Homewrecker (100 points) | Complete At an Empire's end.
Manic Mechanic (100 points) | Enhance every possible ship system on a single ship.
No galaxy for old men (100 points) | Destroy 15 veterans.
No more heroes (0 points) | Destroy all heroes in a single playthrough.
Overly Overt Overkill (0 points) | Destroy an enemy with full shields and hull in less than 3 seconds.
Prison break (0 points) | Successfully raid an Off-world prison with your troops.
Rebel strike (0 points) | Destrpy 10 Empire ships.
Red Baron in space (0 points) | Destroy 100 ships.
Shipping Magnate (0 points) | Have 10 or more ships stored at the Garage at the same time.
Spacehopper (0 points) | Jump through a wormhole.
Storyteller (0 points) | Finish the main storyline.
Swashbuckler (0 points) | Capture a ship.
There and back again (20 points) | Complete Giant Leap.
Tomb raider (0 points) | Gather all artefacts.
What? It's not like they need it anymore (0 points) | Loot a derelict.
Who wants to be a ... (0 points) | Gain 10 million Credits.
You da boss! (0 points) | Control 2 mercenary ships and 3 fighter squadrons at the same time.