Spacelines from the Far Out (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Fresh FaceUnlock your first new employee (in your save slot)10
A Glamorous FlightReach Gambulon V with a 5-star rating.60
A Gourmet ExperiencePrepare fifty meals.15
A Wise DecisionBuy ship insurance for the first time.15
A Work in ProgressAcquire your first system upgrade.15
Aerospace ArchitectUnlock six ship blueprints (in your save slot)50
An Astronomical MileageFly a total of 20000 AU.15
Branding 101Customize your spaceline for the first time.10
CastawayRun out of fuel once.15
Certified StewardFly hundred passengers.15
Crowd PleaserHave five passengers simultaneously satisfied.15
Day OneComplete your first route.10
Droidley's Lucky DayBuy all three items at once at Droidley's.15
Earn Your WingsSurvive the tutorial.10
FashionistaUnlock 25 customizations (in your save slot)30
Fireworks FanaticExplode your ship five times.25
First Class SpacelineGet a 5-star rating for the first time.15
Flying RestaurantServe 200 meals.15
HeadhunterUnlock ten employees (in your save slot)30
Home Among the StarsArrive at the Company Terminal.15
I Can Fix ThatRepair hundred broken systems.15
I Feel PrettyUnlock a customization (in your save slot)15
Just Smile And NodPass five health inspections.25
Master ModderAcquire thirty system upgrades.30
Master StewardFly 350 passengers.60
Medic!Heal ten sick passengers.15
Never tell me the odds!Nearly miss a comet.15
Overbooked!Exceed your ship's maximum passenger capacity.15
Rapid Unscheduled DisassemblyExplode your ship once.15
Shipyard ForemanUnlock three ship blueprints (in your save slot)30
Sir, I Can ExplainGet shut down by the health inspector.15
Space JanitorClean a toilet or a puddle of puke thirty times.15
Spaceline CrewComplete five routes while playing co-op (local or online)25
Spacenight FeverNail 200 dance moves.15
Spaceship HobbyistUnlock a ship blueprint (in your save slot)15
The Art CollectorUnlock fifty customizations (in your save slot)50
The Final FrontierReach the Vacation Sector for the first time.15
The Jewel of the Vacation SectorReach planet Gambulon V.70
The PathfinderIdentify thousand objects in space.15
The Price of Gas These Days...Run out of fuel five times.25
The PurgeHave your flight attendant vomit.10
The Ultimate MachineFly a ship with all fifteen classes of systems installed.50
Veteran StewardFly 200 passengers.30
We're Not In Kansas AnymoreReach the Gamma Sector for the first time.15