Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Bridge | Bridge! (Sokocat Islands) | 10
Deep dungeon | Dungeon 21 started. | 15
Diamond | Diamond unlocked! | 90
Emerald | Emerald unlocked! | 30
Enter the dungeon | Dungeon 9 started. | 10
Exit the dungeon | All dungeons finished! | 90
First treasure | First treasure unlocked. | 30
Full Collection! | All treasures unlocked and all levels finished. | 100
Gold cup | Gold cup unlocked! | 90
Into to the castle | Dungeon 1 finished! | 10
Island 10 | Island 10 completed. | 10
Island 15 | Island 15 completed. | 10
Island 1 | Island 1 completed. | 10
Island 20 | Island 20 completed. | 10
Island 25 | Island 25 completed. | 30
Island 30 | Island 30 completed. | 30
Island 35 | Island 35 completed. | 30
Island 40 | Island 40 completed. | 15
Island 45 | Island 45 completed. | 30
Island 50 | Island 50 completed. | 90
Island 5 | Island 5 completed. | 10
Ooops! | Box in the water (Sokocat Islands) | 10
Platform | Platform! (Sokocat Islands) | 10
Retry 10 times | 10 times! (Sokocat Islands) | 10
Silver cup | Silver cup unlocked! | 30
The Boomerang | Boomerang unlocked! | 10
The Golden Crown | The Golden Crown unlocked! | 90
The floor is lava! | Dungeon 36! | 90