Smoots Pinball (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Athlete SmootDo three consecutive runs in less than 15 seconds in SSG map.70
Baseball CardKeep more than three balls alive when multiball is active for 1 minute in Baseball map.70
Baseball GloveYou've activated every baseball glove without activating any other event.30
Baseball Menu musicSurpass the highest default highscore in Baseball map.15
Baseball Table musicGet more than 250.000 points in Baseball map.20
Baseball ballGet 200.000 points in Baseball map.15
BatsEnter the crypt more than five times on a single turn.30
CameramanActivate multiball in Tennis map.15
Golf CardHide the three crabs in less than 1 second in Golf map.30
Golf Menu musicSurpass the highest default highscore in Golf map.15
Golf Table musicGet more than 250.000 points in Golf map.20
Golf shroomGet one extra ball in Golf map.15
Kaneda LogoActivate multiball in Golf map.15
MoleHit all moles in less than ten seconds in Golf map.70
Pinball logoUse saveballs more than three times in a single turn in Tennis map.30
PlaneActivate multiball in Baseball map.15
PodiumActivate multiball in SSG map.70
SSG CardActivate "SUMMER" Word three times.30
SSG Menu musicSurpass the highest default highscore in SSG map.70
SSG Table musicGet more than 250.000 points in SSG map.20
Smoots StatueDon't break any statue during the turn (after having done the GOLF Word event).30
Tennis Menu musicSurpass the highest default highscore in Tennis map.15
Tennis Table musicGet more than 250.000 points in Tennis map.20
Tennis ballBounce more than thirty times on the bumpers in less than ten seconds in Tennis map.70
Tennis cardHit the ball five times in less than ten seconds in Tennis map.70
Windmill HouseUse windmill rail five times on a single life in Golf map.30
Zombie Menu musicSurpass the highes default highscore in Zombie map.15
Zombie Table musicGet 250.000 points in Zombie map.20
Zombie in a coffinEnd the game with less than 10.000 points in Zombie map.20
Zombies cardGet one extra ball in Zombie map.15
ZombieKill every zombie on a single turn.30