Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Collateral damage | Examine the room. | 60
Full set | Watch all the endings. | 60
He is upset | Don't improvise. | 100
Lights out | Hide. | 60
Mercy | Not killing the informant. | 60
No means no | Refuse to watch the movie. | 60
Pacifist | Fail to have a fight in the kitchen. | 60
Say no to drugs! | Eliminate drugs. | 60
She is angry | Fail to look through the documents. | 100
She is not angry | Improvise. | 100
She lost | Look through the documents. | 100
Three to tango | A fight with two guards. | 60
Wet work | Distract a guard. | 60
What's the difference? | Refuse to make a choice. | 60